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04.04.2024 – Exkursion Hack & Grill bei der SySS

Liebe Studierende,

entdecken Sie die SySS GmbH, ein IT-Sicherheitsunternehmen mit Fokus auf Penetrationstests. Erleben Sie ein Live-Hacking mit Geschäftsführer Sebastian Schreiber. Erfahren Sie mehr über Penetrationtests und knüpfen Sie wertvolle Kontakte bei Bier und Würstchen vom Grill.

Die Anmeldung ist nur noch bis zum 23. April 2024 möglich. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz!

Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail an das IN.Sekretariat@hs-aalen.de mit dem Betreff "SySS Exkursion Anmeldung" oder tragen Sie sich vor Ort in die dort ausgelegte Liste ein.


IT security is becoming even more important in special times. Companies must increasingly focus on protecting their IT security systems. The BAKGame project was launched in 2021 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Marcus Gelderie and in collaboration with the Schwäbisch Gmünd Technical Academy to support them in this area and prepare them for emergencies. The aim of the project is to provide training in a fun way and thus teach important skills in the field of IT security. The offer is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), so that the ability to act and economic performance can be ensured.

You can read more about this here: Cybersecurity game: Prepare for an emergency (heise.de)

Aalen University honored with Studycheck.de awardOutstanding ratings from students

In der Kategorie 5.000 bis 15.000 Studierenden erzielte die Hochschule Aalen hervorragende Bewertungen der Studierenden und Alumni und landete deutschlandweit auf Platz zwei. Grafik: StudyCheck.de

Mo, 14. February 2022, 11:00 Uhr

According to StudyCheck.de, Aalen University is one of the most popular universities in Germany. In the category of 5,000 to 15,000 students, it achieved excellent ratings from students and alumni and came second in Germany. It has now received the Category Award for this. The students particularly often emphasized the good hybrid teaching offer, which enables participation in lectures and events at Aalen University in the pandemic situation both in presence on campus and digitally.

Aalen University achieved nine out of a maximum of ten possible points. Students and alumni stated that the online teaching was well organized and worked well and also praised the digital examination options. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Aalen University has greatly expanded its hybrid teaching offer. The variety of teaching formats creates flexibility, ensuring that students can study at all times.

The independent evaluation portal StudyCheck.de claims to offer one of the largest student databases in Germany. The rankings are based on the analysis of over 70,227 reviews submitted on StudyCheck.de in 2021. The rankings are based on the so-called score value, which is determined from the star ratings and the recommendation rate.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Klauck wird neuer Dekan der Fakultät Elektronik und Informatik

The end of 2021 brought not only a start to the new year for Aalen University, but also many internal changes. With the election of the new Rectorate team around Prof. Dr. Harald Riegel, there was also a change in the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science. Prof. Dr. Marcus Liebschner, who served as Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science for over three years, has been part of the Rectorate as the newly elected Vice-Rector since the beginning of the year. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Klauck took over his position at the beginning of January and intends to use his many years of experience to tackle the challenges ahead.


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