Vertrauensperson der schwerbehinderten Mitarbeiter und Professoren


to the website of the representatives for the severely disabled at Aalen University.

Our responsibilities are laid out in the German Social Security Code IX § 95.


  • promote the employment of disabled persons,
  • help and advise disabled persons,
  • ensure the compliance with the law,
  • to take preventative measures,
  • solve conflicts between employers and disabled employees,
  • prevent dismissal of disabled employees and
  • support disabled persons in creating productive working environment.

The representatives for the severely disabled are supported by several partners such as the staff council, the department and the integration office.
The representatives for the severely disabled have the right to participate in every staff council conference.
They also participate in all job interviews with disabled applicants.
For further information, please contact the confidant for severely disabled academic staff and professors at