Chess Tournament With Indonesian Partner UniversityRegistration Now Available

Registration is now open via the QR codes above.

Fr, 28. July 2023

For chess lovers, starting from the winter semester 2023/24, there is an opportunity to play in a Team Chess competition together with the Indonesian university IULI, workload hours for Social CPs are possible. Two people will get together to form a team and compete against another team of two people. The turn order is

Team1: Person1 --> Team2: Person1 --> Team1: Person2 --> Team2: Person2 --> etc.

People on the same team are not allowed to talk to each other during the game: Any conversation will be punished as a violation of the Team Chess rules and the team will lose the game as a result.

  • Essential: The two people on the team must be coordinated, synergy equation: 1 + 1 = 3.

A team consists by definition of 1 person IULI + 1 person Aalen University, typically students. Professors (m/f/d) and employees (m/f/d) are also welcome to participate, other groups of people (special guests) by invitation.

  • Essential: Aalen University members (typically students) work together with an Indonesian person to set up common chess strategies, tactics, openings, middlegames, endgames, combinations, etc.

Registration is now possible via QR code. Contacts to persons from IULI will be arranged immediately upon request. Games/trainings during the summer are permitted and welcomed.


  • Early Oct. team building, kick-off slated for Oct. 9/10.
  • During Oct., Nov. and Dec. training session, recommended contents: Openings/strategy, middlegame/tactics, combinations, endgame.
  • January 2024: Tournament Preliminary Round
  • End Jan./early Mar. 2024: final round & award ceremony.

A certificate of participation will be issued upon request and only after completion of the entire tournament, i.e. training sessions and competition.

Workload Studium Generale

Workloads for Social CP Studium Generale will be awarded for the organization of this tournament, more details at the kick-off event. Persons participating in Team Chess have priority to contribute to the organization or to earn social CPs.

Since the organization burden is proportional to the number of participants, it follows that exactly the number of participants will be eligible for the Social CPs.

If individuals drop out of organizing or acquiring the workloads, support will be obtained elsewhere at the discretion of the organizers.

Standard rules for earning, documenting, and proving workloads for social CPs apply.

The tournament organizers may, at their discretion, adjust the above rules in the future.

A BLOG with the current status of the Team Chess tournament can be found here and here.