New in TeamLeticia Trezecik Silvano in Interview

New in IMFAA-Team: Leticia Trezecik Silvano

Tu, 12. October 2021

Andrea Heidel (AH): Welcome to IMFAA, Leticia! Where exactly are you from?

Leticia Trezecik Silvano (LTS): I’m from a small city in the South of Brazil called Guaratuba, but I grew up on a small island close to the city. In 2012, I moved to Joinville / Brazil to begin my new course of study and I stayed there until my trip to Germany.

AH: What did you study there?

LTS: I did my Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and my Masters in Material Science and Engineering. Since 2019, I have been working on my doctorate in Material Science and Engineering.

AH: Why did you choose this course of study?

LTS: I was a curious kid and my mom had always encouraged me to explore and discover things. As a young adult, it was clear to me that I want to work in research. In high school, I decided that I want to work in research, and during my Bachelors, I discovered my passion for materials, synthetic processes and the large variety of subject areas in which I could work in. Again during my Bachelors, I still thought about a Masters and a promotion. Then later – during my Masters – I began to work with smarter ceramic, mainly for the sewage treatment. During my doctorate, I then dealt with this subject in detail, and we determined that the material that I worked on is a good candidate for the Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries.

AH: What brought you to the IMFAA now?

LTS: The work with clean energy and sustainability was always my goal. Here at the IMFAA, I can work together with a team that specialized in Lithium-Ion Batteries, and I’m sure that this will bring me a lot of new knowledge and insights.

AH: What exactly are you working on?

LTS: In Brazil, I worked on the synthesis of Calcium-Pyrovanadate, and here at the IMFAA, I will apply this material as the Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries.

AH: What are you most excited about with this?

LTS: I’m excited about achieving a contribution for battery research in Germany during the coming six months at the IMFAA. Dr. Volker Knoblauch and Dr. Pinar Kaya were very welcoming as well as the whole IMFA team.

AH: What do you like to do besides researching?

 LTS: On the weekends, I like to get together with my friends, because I don’t have any family in Germany. I take long walks in the forest and also small trips on the weekends to experience more about Germany’s culture and to get to know different places.

AH: Thank you for the conversation and I wish you success at the IMFAA!