Cooperative PhD Program

The faculty of Management and Business Sciences has a joint doctoral program with Teesside Business School. Since 2007, six cooperative dissertations have been successfully completed.

Usually our PhD students work as academic staff at Aalen University or at other companies and do a doctoral degree as externals doctoral students at University of Teesside. The supervision takes place on both sides by a professor of the faculty and by a British colleague. The academic title (PhD) is awarded after submission of the dissertation and successful oral exam at University of Teesside. In addition to this joint PhD program three other cooperative dissertations with other universities were recently completed successfully.

In case you have questions regarding the joint PhD program with Teesside Business School, please contact Prof. Dr. Robert Rieg.

>> More information at: Wirtschaftswissenschaften-Forschen <<

Some Research Influences and Interests of Our Professors

Prof. Dr. Jae-Aileen Chung

Foto: Professor Dr. Chung

"My research interests centers on two interrelated fields. First, I want to know, how changes are implemented? My research at the World Trade Organization as well as student thesis projects have made me think much about how difficult it is to change organizations. My Ph.D. examined the venture capital boom in South Korea in early 2000s and why it failed to establish itself as an industry despite governmental backing. Gradually my interest has shifted to the company level of change implementation, which involves issues of power and persuasion: how to persuade others to your point of view. For the master’s program, I concentrate on the changes at the organizational and personal levels."

Personal Profile of Prof. Dr. Jae-Aileen Chung

Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch

"My long held interest has been in Customer Relations Management, CRM. Of course I am interested in customers per se, as individuals, but I am focused on thinking about CRM as managing aggregate data about customers that can be disaggregated as part of data management system. So my classes are really practice oriented, bringing in cases from some of the projects that I have worked on or involved in. Keeping in line with my focus on cutting edge practice, my classes are project based because I am pushing students in the same way that clients push their CRM consulting firms, and that requires specific project dimensions."

Personal Profile of Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch

Prof. Dr. Christina Ravens

Foto: Professor Dr. Ravens

"Educated in England, US, and Germany, I noticed the cultural differences in organizational strategies in dealing with internal coherence. My Ph.D. work as well as my professional experience as a head of marketing department revolved around the issue of “internal branding,” an emergent area of marketing that examines how to convince internal customers the value of the service or a product of the firm. So much research in marketing has been focused on the traditional and classic ideas of the external customer. But, as we have more complex products and services, the line between the internal and external customers have also blurred. So I turned my attention to the question of how internal customers shape that final experience of the customer base in sales."

Personal Profile of Prof. Dr. Christina Ravens

Prof. Dr. Alexander Strehl

Foto: Prof. Dr. Strehl

"My passion is the intersection of information technology and business. Bridging these two worlds creates some of the most exciting opportunity fields in today's world, such as Digital Transformation, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Internet of Things or the Blockchain Revolution. With a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and a top consulting background, I have worked in these fields long before they became mainstream interest and can bring deep insights and novel perspectives into my lectures and research. I like to challenge my students to exciting digital projects that require an entrepreneural spirit, independence and quantitative thinking."

Personal Profile of Prof. Dr. Alexander Strehl